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Explore The National Pinewood Derby Museum with Pinewood Pro

Uncover racing history, Pinewood Pro tips, and derby car exhibits at the Pinewood Derby Museum!

Joe Gargiulo
December 11, 2017
Pinewood Pro Blog

National Pinewood Derby Museum and Pinewood Derby Hall of Fame

Pinewood Derby Museum

Pinewood Pro is the proud sponsor of the Pinewood Derby Museum;
The only one of its kind in the US!

Joe Gargiulo has researched and collected Pinewood Derby artifacts for well over 10 years. He has visited the original site of the first Pinewood Derby race in Manhattan Beach, CA, conducted interviews and library research, and met with Donn Murphy, the son of the inventor of Pinewood Derby racing.

Joe also researched what happened after the first Pinewood Derby race to understand how this simple idea of racing miniature cars quickly spread across the US and became a world-wide phenomenon that is still going strong 60 years later.

Get Involved!

Best of all, YOU can be part of the museum! Keep reading for more details.

The Pinewood Derby Museum Grand Opening was Jan 4, 2015.

It is part of the Southwestern CT BSA Heritage Museum located at:
BSA Connecticut Yankee Council Building
60 Wellington Rd.
Milford, CT
Open Saturdays 10-2.

What You Will See at the Pinewood Derby Museum

The Pinewood Derby Museum features:

  • Select pages from Don Murphy's original 1953 PWD plan, complete with his Pack meeting announcement for the first Pinewood Derby race

  • Pictures, an interview, and signed cars from Donn Murphy

  • A replica of Donn Murphy's original 1953 car, "The First Racer", signed by Donn Murphy

  • Trophies, a ribbon, and a medal from the 2nd Pinewood Derby in 1954, when PWD racing spread across the Los Angeles area.

  • The 1954 article from "Boy's Life" that introduced Pinewood Derby racing to the Boy Scouts of America

  • Cool Pinewood Derby cars, like the Ghost Rider, Scorpion, and Hartford Whalers Stanley Cup cars built by adults for Scout Reach fundraiser races

  • A digital display with hundreds of Pinewood Derby smiling winners, cars, trophies, and ribbons

  • A digital display featuring "Your Pinewood Derby Story." Be a part of the Museum by submitting your pictures and your Pinewood Derby story! (See below for details.)

You Can Be a Part of the Pinewood Derby Museum!

Everyone seems to have an interesting story behind building their car with a parent or grandparent. Or perhaps you won your race, or lost, or crashed, or created a cool car, or had a touching moment with a parent, friend, or guardian that you want to share.

Just e-mail us a picture or two with a few lines of text at proteam @ and we will put you in our slideshow featuring "Your Pinewood Derby Story."

A handwritten story by the child is preferred. This gives your child more ownership of their Pinewood Derby story by sharing their personal experience. Encourage them write whatever they want. Some questions to get them started:

  • What was the most fun part of building your car?
  • What do remember most about your Pinewood Derby race?
  • Tell me about your car. Did you name it? Why did you choose that design or color scheme?
  • What makes your car special?

You might be surprised at what they say! Preserve those precious memories in the Pinewood Derby Museum.

Below are a few of those priceless stories:

pinewood derby story
slowest pinewood derby car
girls pinewood derby story

Email us pictures and "Your Pinewood Derby Story" today at proteam @!



Winning Tips and Hints

Pinewood Derby
Tips & Hints

If you are using 3/8" round weights, drill your 3/8" weight holes before cutting out the rest of the car because it is easier to hold the full block. Always use a clamp to hold your block before drilling or cutting. Safety first!

Pinewood Derby
Wheels Tip

Lighter wheels turn easier (they require less inertia). Lighten your wheels, as much as your rules allow, which will give you a fast start out of the gate and faster speed down the track.

Pinewood Derby
Winning Hint

Winning Pinewood Derby Secrets contains all the tips you need to win your race. Updated annually with the latest tips and speed products, our book has proven results with 1000s of winners... but don't take our word for it! Read over 100 customer reviews and check out our Winners!

Fully Built Pinewood Derby Cars | Pinewood Pro
Building Pinewood Derby Car Using LEGO® parts | Pinewood Pro