Pinewood Derby Product Customer Reviews
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Winning Pinewood Derby Secrets

Pinewood Pro
Winning Pinewood Derby Secrets
Rated 4.8/5 based on 130+ reviews
(100+ more reviews for Winning Pinewood Derby Secrets)
Product Description:
Winning Secrets gives you everything you need to design and build a winning car...
A clear, concise, fun, and proven guide with CAD drawings, pictures, and illustrations.
Category: Winning Secrets Books

By DarbSkull from OKC, OK
Using this book to make his first Pinewood Derby car, my nephew won 1st place in his pack and 1st place overall in his 3-pack group, including racing against older kids. He never lost a race, and only one was close!

By PROUD GRANDDAD from Bossier City, LA
Haven't ever built a derby car before. We purchased this online from Pinewood Pro. My grandson and I both read it and used the suggestions before we started to build his derby car. His car won the championship and set two track records doing it!!

By UtahsMortgageGuy from Bluffdale, UT
These secrets are easy and work perfectly!!! We did not lose one race!!! The information you give is incredibly easy to follow and makes the derby more than just a Scout meeting. It was a huge bonding time for my boy and me, and he got 2 killer trophies for winning his age group and winning everything!!!

By Proud Poppa from Maryland
This is one of the best purchases I have ever made. It delivers. I simply could not have helped my daughter win her first Pinewood Derby race without the information and tips. My daughter is now a Grand Champion Pinewood Derby Winner. I will never forget the great memories we made building and racing her car.

By Derby Mom from Claremont, CA
This info was the best! We did as many steps as our Pack would allow on how to build a fast Pinewood Derby car. We started on a Tuesday and finished Saturday morning before the race. This was our first year. My son only had this year before he moves on to Boy Scouts. I wanted it to be memorable for him. WE WON 1ST PLACE. To see him light up, from all the hard work, was worth every moment. The memories are worth the world. I couldn't have been happier with our results.
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Pinewood Derby Speed Axles

Pinewood Derby Pro
Machined PRO Super Speed Axles
Rated 4.8/5 based on 100+ reviews
(100+ more reviews for Pro Axles)

Pinewood Derby Pro
Machined PRO Super Speed Graphite-Coated Axles
Rated 4.7/5 based on 100+ reviews
(100+ more reviews for PRO Super Speed Graphite-Coated Axles)

Pinewood Derby
Machined Speed Axles
Rated 4.8/5 based on 30+ reviews
(30+ more reviews for Speed Axles)

Pinewood Derby
BSA Polished Axles
Rated 4.8/5 based on 50 reviews
(50 more reviews for BSA Polished Axles)

Pinewood Derby BSA Axles
Graphite Coated - Friction Free
Rated 4.6/5 based on 30+ reviews
(30+ more reviews for BSA Graphite-Coated Axles)

Pinewood Derby BSA Axles
Grooved and Graphite Coated
Rated 4.8/5 based on 40+ reviews
(40+ more reviews for BSA Grooved and Graphite-Coated Axles)

By SJ from Utah
I don't have a lathe. I don't have a drill press. I'm not a "tool" guy... I'm a computer nerd. I wanted to give my kid a chance to at least place. We took 1st place!!! Totally worth it... I will use these next year. Thank you... Thank you!

By Kyle from North Carolina
These axles work period. This year's derby car was the fastest my son has ever had. He finished 2nd place in speed for his division and won a trophy.

By Tom from Bristol, CT
I had ordered these axles for my son's Pinewood Derby car just to see if it really does improve the speed of the car, and the results show positive. His car raced 8 times that night and won every race. My son took 1st place, and now he is looking forward to being awarded the big trophy for it. Thank you for such a great product.

By SmokedThemAll from Grand Prix
A big thanks to all the folks at Pinewood Pro!! This was a great night, my car (daughter's car) took first place in speed. Yep! Got a trophy, plan on sending the Pinewood Pro folks some pics. These axles work great, they were worth the extra money! My daughter just wanted to have fun! I wanted to give her a fighting chance, and we wound up smoking every car in our race. We won our heats and the final run!! 1st place... I purchased these axles and the Awana lathed wheels, they were great, they were superior to the wheels that come with the kit. I highly recommend these items, Pinewood Pro also was very good about immediately shipping my products out. GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!

By Winner in Gilbert from Gilbert, AZ
Wow, I bought these axles as well as the machined wheels for my daughter's car. Last year she came in last and I was determined that she wouldn't be upset again. The combination of the Pro Super Speed axles and the wheels made her car the fastest of them all... She took 1st place. The look on her face was worth it!
See More Reviews for Pro Axles
Pinewood Derby Speed Wheels

BSA Speed Wheels
Precision Lathed
Rated 4.6/5 based on 80+ reviews
(80+ more reviews of BSA Precision Lathed Speed Wheels)

Awana Grand Prix
Lathed Wheels
Rated 4.6/5 based on 15+ reviews
(15+ more reviews of AWANA Grand Prix Lathed Wheels)

PRO BSA Speed Wheels
Lathed and Graphite Coated
Rated 4.6/5 based on 45+ reviews
(45+ more reviews PRO BSA Wheels)

Pinewood Derby BSA
Ultra-Lite Wheels
Rated 4.6/5 based on 35+ reviews
(35+ more reviews of BSA Ultra-Lite Wheels)

PRO BSA Ultra-Lite Wheels
Graphite Coated
Rated 4.9/5 based on 35+ reviews
(35+ more reviews of PRO BSA Graphite-Coated Ultra Lites)

By Chuck from Monroe, MI
These things were the fastest on the track!

By Buzz from NC
There is no better place to remove weight than the wheel. Fights against inertia on something that is always spinning. There was nothing faster on the track including last year's fastest car.

By Bluedragon from Roseburg, OR
These were easy to install. We ended up putting these on after our local meet. It was our first Pinewood Derby. Didn't know the rules for the open class until after our local meet. At district we ended up beating the two cars that beat us at our local meet. Will be purchasing another set for next year's entry.

By G-man from Mississippi
My grandson won every race in his Pack. There is no better wheel.

By Joey from Utah
I purchased the axles, wheels, and the tungsten putty. After applying all of the techniques I learned from your Winning Secrets book, my boy and I were excited to see if all of our work would pay off. My boy did not lose 1 race. In fact, we won every one by 2 feet or more. The excitement and joy that was on my boy's face was priceless and well worth the time and money. Thanks!
See More Reviews for Speed Wheels

By Marc from North Ridgeville, OH
I have purchased plans from for the past two years. These plans are very well written and easy to follow. Almost idiot-proof. My son finished in 5th out of a field of 36 with this car. That marks his highest finish in his career. I highly recommend this, and any other plan that is available at

By Connor from Rhode Island
Great instructions... easy to follow & build!!

By Nick from Atlanta
My son really liked the end result of the Hummer. We used a dremel. I liked having the ability to download the plans immediately as well.

By Cindy from Indianapolis
This is my Scout's first year in scouting and he is really excited about the Pinewood Derby. He picked out the car he wanted to build and we downloaded the instructions. I was very pleased to see that the instructions are extremely user-friendly and very easy to follow. Definitely a bonus for a first-year Scout building his first derby car!

By Nan from Oklahoma
My 4 yr old son used this design for his car this year and won 1st in the Open Division. My 7 yr old did the Inferno design and won 1st in both his den and overall. We did have to add a lot of weight to them but were very satisfied with performance. Great designs! Will be back next year!
See More Reviews for Car Design Plans

By Go for the Gold from Arizona
It's practically done for you, just sand it down add weight. The pre-cut cars are really nice for the Dads that just don’t have the tools or skills to cut these cars out of the block of wood. This saves so much time, as long as your boy likes one of the body styles.

By chuck from Monroe, MI
We were in a hurry. The axle slots were all square, so the car rolled straight. We had no time to cut the car out. Just sprayed and ran it!

By Scout Parent from CA
My son loved the sleek look, I loved the convenience. Will buy from this site again...

By Daddy Driver from WA
Didn't have to worry about wheels falling out or becoming loose during race.

By racing Joe from SC
Easy to put car together for last minute racers.

By GeoffP from Montgomery County, MD
Does what it was designed to do for cheap money and I don't have to risk life or limb cutting my own wedge. (The last one shot out of the table saw even with a safety fence!)
See More Reviews for Pre-Cut and Fully Assembled Cars

By dcbatz from south Chicago
This is a must if you are extending wheel base length, or making a 3 wheeler. Or if you are using a different piece of wood other than out of the BSA kit, just make sure your wood is square on the bottom.

By AlexM from Atlanta, GA
This is the single item that provides the best return on investment and will get your car to go faster. Well done, simple, includes drill bit.

By Ricky Bobby from Temecula
If you are building your first car, you have no idea. The axles just don't go into the slots very easily or straight. This tool makes it easy to install your axles with the push of a finger and the car will roll straight. All solved with this little piece of precious metal!

By Cubmaster Jeff from Albuquerque, NM
I used the PRO Driller with my boys on their two cars. Each of the boys could straighten the axles with minimal help from me, and the axles were the best looking I've ever seen. I have built 14 cars with my boys over the past 8 years, and this is the best result ever -- a 1st and 3rd in our 30-boy Pack.

By garnet from texas
My son's car was straight as a razor's edge. No wobbling there at all.

By kjellster from San Diego
Without the tool, it is hard to see if your alignment has any problems. For the price, it is great.
See More Reviews for PRO Tools
Pinewood Derby Lube

Pinewood Derby PRO Graphite
with Moly Additive
Rated 4.9/5 based on 100+ reviews
(100+ more reviews for PRO Graphite with Moly)

NyOil II Lube
The Racer's Edge
Rated 4.5/5 based on 30+ reviews
(30+ more reviews for NyOil II Lube)

By Andy from Pasadena, MD
This is the first time I have used this particular graphite and by far this was better than any other lubricant that I have used. My son’s car was the fastest on the track. Though a little messy, it will give your car an advantage.

By Jim from Hudson, Michigan
Last year I used regular graphite on my wheels and my car lost the first race against what ended up being the next slowest car in the field. Just adding this graphite to my wheels and hand spinning the wheels for 10 minutes the very same car won the "Old Man" class this year in a runaway race. I could definitely see the difference.

By garnet from Lubbock
Purchased Pinewood Pro’s graphite for my son’s first Pinewood Derby race. He smoked the competition. He won first place, fastest car!

By GV from Marin County, CA
My son achieved new records for wheel run-out using this graphite over previous years. It is messy though and because the moly gives it a metallic glitter effect, be careful with "overspray" that it doesn't mar a perfect paint job. Wheels run like deer!

By racing Joe from SC
Was able to have available for other inexperienced racers to keep competition high. 2nd Year Thanks, Pinewood Pro!
See More Reviews for Pinewood Derby Lubes